GPCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 214 3228

OKCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 217 1386

Security Update August 2014

Vehicle side viewOur team has been working incredibly hard throughout the month of August. With our mobile teams and GP/OKCID officers making sure citizens feel safe in their areas. Our team never gives up on trying to lower crime levels as much as we can and we try our best to keep the streets safe and clean.

During the month of August, our GP/OKCID team continued with regular operations and made 17 good arrests, with the assistance of SAPS.

This month saw an increase in both the number of drunk drivers in the area and car break ins. We strongly urge you to rather take a taxi home if you have consumed too much alcohol while out in the area, or ask one of our team to escort you home safely.

Unfortunately there has been a noted increase in the number of cars getting broken into in the Green Point and Oranje Kloof areas. Our mobile drivers try their very best to make sure they keep a watchful eye on any suspicious activity around cars. If our officerโ€™s see that residents have left valuable items out on display in their vehicles, they make sure to pay particular attention to those vehicles โ€“ however please avoid parking your car in badly lit areas, and make sure you leave nothing out on display.

Our Mobile 5 GPCID officers were quick on the scene on 11August, to apprehend a suspect who broke into a vehicle. SAPS Constable Stringer came to the scene immediately to arrest the suspect.

On 31 August our GPCID officers apprehended a suspect at Caltex on Somerset Road who was then arrested by SAPS Constable Booi. The suspect had stolen a womanโ€™s wallet; which was found and returned to her, but unfortunately the money inside was missing.

In the Oranje-Kloof area our OKCID Mobile team apprehended a suspect in Meulen Hof Block A on 17 August. The suspect was carrying a TV that did not belong to him; and he was arrested by SAPS Constable Madotyeni.

Our Mobile 6 team also apprehended a suspect on Hofmeyer Street on 16 August, while he was breaking into a vehicle. The suspect had a car radio and cell phone on him. He was handed over to SAPS to be arrested.

On 6 and 15 August two different incidences occurred where suspects attempted to rob the Engen on Kloof Street of cigarette cartons. On both attempts the suspects were apprehended by OKCID officers and arrested by SAPS.

Our team takes great pride in ensuring that you as citizens of Cape Town never feel unsafe or scared, while walking or driving around the streets during the day or night. So we kindly ask that you avoid any scenarios that might put you in a position that makes you a target for crime. Stay safe, and stay aware at all times.


If you have information about any suspicious behaviour or witness a crime please report it to us immediately. Please provide as much detail as possible.


If you have any questions or feedback please do not hesitate to contact us using the form below. We will respond as soon as possible.ย