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OKCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 217 1386

Load shedding back in full force

Eskom stated on Sunday that it may have to impose load shedding nationally, due to the crack of Majuba power station on Saturday. While Eskom is trying to resolve the problem at the power station, South African residents need to prepare for the load shedding blackouts that will be occurring.

Load shedding will happen at various times across South Africa but will most likely be implemented at two hour blocks.

An official statement from the City of Cape Town

The load shedding schedule for City of Cape Town supply residents is currently at stage 3. Residents and suburbs may be affected at their indicated times, depending on the current demand from Eskom.ย City load shedding schedules are available.

Whilst the City is doing everything in its power to assist Eskom for the sake of our residents and businesses, it is important to note that the City is wholly reliant on Eskom for the electricity supply to the entire city. The City is only responsible for electricity distribution in certain parts of the city.

If a customerโ€™s electricity supply remains off for longer than the period specified in the schedules, they should please send an SMS to the Cityโ€™s technical operations centre on 31220. Customers can do their part by switching off all non-essential appliances and by monitoring their usage. Residents are also requested to minimise water usage because in some instances water supply is reliant on electrical pumps.

Read the full article on ย Cape Business News.

Cape Town Load Shedding Schedule.

Cape Town CBD

Monday : 0h00 – 2h30, 8h00 – 10h30, ย 18h00 – 20h30

Tuesday :ย  0h00 – 2h30, 8h00 – 10h30, 14h00 – 16h30

Wednesday:ย 0h00 – 2h30, 8h00 – 10h30, 14h00 – 16h30

Thursday:ย 0h00 – 2h30, ย 14h00 – 16h30, 20h00 – 22h30

Friday:ย 0h00 – 2h30, ย 14h00 – 16h30, 20h00 – 22h30

Saturday:ย 0h00 – 2h30, 8h00 – 10h30, ย 18h00 – 20h30

Sunday:ย 0h00 – 2h30, 8h00 – 10h30, ย 18h00 – 20h30

For a customized schedule visit the Eskom Load shedding site.

At the current time it says that Load shedding is suspended until further notice.ย In case the power does go out, prepare for it just in case.



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