GPCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 214 3228

OKCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 217 1386

Reminder: Water restrictions implemented

From 1 January 2016 water will be more expensive. This has been implemented in order to encourage water saving. Read more below:

The City of Cape Town would like to remind residents that the implementation of Level 2 water restrictions will be effective from 1 January.

Customers should note that they will be charged according to a tariff designed to be approximately revenue-neutral when applied to the 10% reduced consumption levels of an average user. In other words, if a resident uses 24 kl of water in a month this will cost them R294,62 under Level 1 conditions. However, under Level 2 conditions, 10% less water (21.6kl) will cost approximately this much. The same amount (24kl) will now cost R344,75. This is to encourage water saving.

The increases have been calibrated to have a smaller impact on small domestic consumers and households that use water efficiently. Customers who use large amounts of water will face larger price increases.

For an average domestic customer, the differences in price are as follows:

Steps Unit Level 1 (10% reduction) Level 2 (20% reduction)
Step 1 (0 < 6 kl) Per kl R0 R0
Step 2 (>6 < 10,5 kl) Per kl R11,07 R11,66
Step 3 (>10,5 < 20 kl) Per kl R15,87 R18,24
Step 4 (>20 < 35 kl) Per kl R23,51 R29,75
Step 5 (>35 < 50 kl) Per kl R29,03 R45,40
Step 6 (>50 kl) Per kl R38,30 R85,09


To explain the tariff, it is designed so that the price per kilolitre of water goes up once the residentโ€™s use for the month exceeds certain levels. For example:

  • The first 6kl (step 1) is free
  • After usage exceeds 6kl, but before usage reaches 10.5kl for the month (Step 2), each kilolitre will cost R11.66/kl
  • After usage exceeds 10,5kl, but before usage reaches 20kl for the month (Step 3), each kilolitre will cost R18.24/kl
  • After usage exceeds 20kl, but before usage exceeds 35kl for the month (Step 4), each kilolitre will cost R29.75/kl, and so forth

If a customer is on the Domestic cluster tariff (flats/complexes supplied by a single meter), the Commercial tariff, the Backyarder tariff, the Industrial tariff, or any of the other specialised tariffs please consult the table below to see how you will be affected.


Please note that sewage charges will also be affected as they are calculated as being 70% of total water used on the property up to a maximum of 35kl. This is to further encourage water savings, but also to cover the fixed costs necessary to continue providing the water and sanitation service.

Residents will also have to abide by the following restrictions:

Restrictions applicable to all customers

  • Watering (with drinking water from municipal supply) of gardens, flower beds, sports fields, parks, lawns and other open spaces are allowed only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for a maximum of one hour per premises either before 09:00 or after 16:00. This includes watering with buckets or automated sprinkler systems.
  • No watering will be permitted within 24 hours of rainfall that provides adequate saturation. Facilities/customers making use of boreholes or other sources are not exempt from this.
  • When watering gardens, parks, open spaces, etc. with alternative water resources (e.g. boreholes, wellpoints, grey water re-use, treated effluent water, spring water and rain water harvesting) you are encouraged to do so only before 09:00 or after 16:00 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
  • If alternative water sources (e.g. boreholes, wellpoints, grey water re-use, treated effluent water, spring water and rain water harvesting) are utilised, all customers must ensure that they display appropriate signage clearly visible from a public thoroughfare. See guidelines for signage below.
  • Special users (e.g. golf courses and schools) can apply to the Director: Water & Sanitation for exemption from any of the above restrictions by emailing a completed Special Exemption Application formย to
  • No automatic top-up systems are allowed for swimming pools. It is recommended that all swimming pools be covered by a pool cover to avoid evaporation when not in use.
  • Ornamental water fountains and water features are to be operated only by recycling the water.

Restrictions applicable to residential customers

  • Washing of vehicles (including recreational vehicles and watercraft) is only allowed with hosepipes fitted with automatic self-closing devices, or with waterless products.
  • No washing or hosing down of hard-surfaced or paved areas with drinking water from a tap is allowed.
  • Residents are encouraged to replace all taps, showerheads and other plumbing components with water efficient parts or technologies.
  • Residents who wish to apply for an exemption can apply to the Cityโ€™s Director: Water and Sanitation by emailing a completed Special Exemption Application form to

Restrictions applicable to businesses (commercial and industrial)

  • Watering of plants in nurseries, farms, vegetable gardens, etc. for commercial gain will be exempted from water restrictions on application to the Director: Water and Sanitation by emailing a completed Special Exemption Application form to
  • When washing vehicles or equipment, use only water efficient or water recycling technology and equipment or waterless products. Display of water saving and water efficiency messages is encouraged.
  • Informal car washes are to use only buckets and not hosepipes.
  • Washing of paving and hard surfaces with potable water is prohibited. However, areas where prior permission in writing has been granted (such as for abattoirs and food processing industries) will be exempt (apply here).
  • All taps, showerheads and other plumbing components in public places must be replaced with water efficient parts or technologies.

Restrictions applicable to institutions and government departments

  • Watering of plants in Council and other government nurseries will be exempted from the water restrictions on application to the Director: Water and Sanitation by emailing a completed Special Exemption Application form toย
  • Washing of vehicles is only allowed with hosepipes fitted with automatic self-closing devices, or with waterless products.
  • No washing or hosing down of hard-surfaced or paved areas with drinking water from a tap is allowed.
  • All taps, showerheads and other plumbing components in public places must be replaced with water efficient parts or technologies.

Signage for irrigation using alternative water sources
As indicated above, appropriate signage, clearly visible from a public thoroughfare, must be displayed at all properties where alternative water sources are used for irrigation. Wellpoints and boreholes should be registered. Residents can apply for registration at After registration you will receive the necessary display sign free of charge.
Then residents using grey water, spring water or rain water are encouraged to download, print and laminate the City of Cape Town non-potable water sign (Download here), although other suitable signage is permitted. This should be printed A4 landscape.

The City would like to remind residents that these are not punitive measures, but rather the City taking the necessary steps to protect our water supplies and guard against finding ourselves in full-blown crisis, as has been the case in other municipalities.

The City thanks residents for their cooperation and understanding.


If you have information about any suspicious behaviour or witness a crime please report it to us immediately. Please provide as much detail as possible.


If you have any questions or feedback please do not hesitate to contact us using the form below. We will respond as soon as possible.ย