Compared to the 46 incidents reported in June, we have seen quite a decrease with only 39 incidents reported in July. Just 18 cases of crime were reported this month, compared to 24 in June, and we want to thank all parties that are actively involved in trying to get the crime rate as low as possible in the Oranje-Kloof and Green Point areas.
Nine theft-out-of-motor-vehicle incidents were reported in July. We want to urge everyone to remember to please immediately inform our staff and SAPS if your car is broken in to, so that our CID team can increase patrols in that particular area. Also try to determine exactly what was stolen out of the vehicle so that we can let you know if we manage to track down the suspect and to return the stolen goods.
We also had five reported motor vehicle accidents in July. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries, but with the bad weather during winter, we would like to ask you to please be extra careful when driving in the dark and when it’s raining, as the roads are wet and accidents tend to happen more easily.
If you don’t already have the correct GP/OKCID numbers saved on your phone, please be sure to add them so that you can give one of our team a call on 072 670 3019 or 072 944 6811 for assistance.