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The power of ideas

We live in an age where unlimited information is accessible, which has pros and cons. One of the distinct positives is that this generation has the power to learn about anything, from just about anyone. The internet connects people from all corners of the world, with different expertise, but there is something special about an act of learning experienced live.

TED talks are ideal for these interactions, and thankfully they have been active in South Africa for the last 7 years. The TED talk happening right on our doorstep at The Avenue in the V&A Waterfront this November, prompted us to explore a little more about this phenomenon and why they are spreading like wild fire.

Background on TED

TED is an acronym for technology, entertainment and design. These talks originated in the 1980s in America. The founders Richard Saul Wurman and Harry Marks opened with a stellar line up including a demo of the compact disc (CD) and e-book. Although the public didn’t initially embrace the idea, a second attempt six years later fared better.

This momentum allowed the TED movement to evolve into an annual event held in California, and now it is a global platform for shared ideas. TED covers almost all topics and the talks are performed in over 100 languages globally.

 A typical TED X event

TED X events, such as the one being held this November, follow the international format and are run by volunteers in their community.

The talks are approved before presenting and can be anything from demonstrations to performances, prepared talks or spoken word. All are without commercial, religious or political agenda – the intention is to stir thought and promote connection between individuals over ideas without hidden intentions.

TED X Cape Town

Cape Town has been part of the TED wave since 2011. Over the past seven years we have hosted 22 TED events with themes representative of our nation. Many have been centred around women, the community, green initiatives and the African experience.

This year’s theme is Pause & Effect – looking at the widespread uprising against injustice in the world. #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter, #FeesMustFall, #DataMustFall, Occupy, The Arab Spring and The Umbrella Revolution are all examples of what will be considered and reflected upon. TED X chose the theme to stir individuals to a more mindful approach to decision making and the consideration of cause and effect.

“… there’s power in pausing and considering before taking action, and in taking time to realise we have choices regarding why and how we develop. The result of pausing is often a more mindful approach to what happens after.” – Ted X, Cape Town

Attend the event

Date: 17 November 2018

Venue: Avenue Cape Town

Purchase tickets: Ticket sales now open: R550

Tickets include:

A full day of talks

Lunch and healthy snacks

Buy your tickets on this website, or directly on Quicket.


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