GPCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 214 3228

OKCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 217 1386

GP/OKCID security report – December 2020

The one silver lining from the post-Christmas Adjusted Alert Level 3 lockdown was that crime in December decreased by 16%, with 16 incidents reported (compared to 19 in November).

Well done to our team who made 12 arrests last month – 4 of these were for fighting in public, while other arrests included those for drinking and driving, cell phone theft, malicious damage to property and both house and business break-ins.

We have had complaints about an increase in harassment by informal car guards, who have become increasingly aggressive when asking people for money. They are committing a traffic by-law offence because they are a danger to both themselves and the public. If you are harassed by an informal car guard, please call us on our 24-hour patrol vehicle numbers to report them and we’ll address the issue immediately.

In December, we caught 3 suspects trying to break in to a house on Strand Street, and 1 suspect trying to steal a laptop from Ashanti Lodge in Kloof Street. Furthermore, there was a break in at Granny Goose on Somerset Road, unfortunately we didn’t manage to catch the suspects on this one. We have noticed a substantial increase in both business and house breakings recently, and urge you to follow these tips for safety awareness at home.

Lastly, we would like to reiterate the importance of following the COVID-19 rules to limit the spread of the virus, manage the load on our healthcare system, and ultimately save lives. Remember that it is now a legal requirement to wear a mask when out in public. It is also an offence to be away from home after the curfew, which is from 21h00 to 05h00 daily. If you don’t comply with these regulations, it may result in a fine and/ or imprisonment.

Remember to keep our 24 patrol vehicle numbers on hand for assistance, and don’t hesitate to contact them if you ever feel at-risk:


082 214 3228


082 217 1386



If you have information about any suspicious behaviour or witness a crime please report it to us immediately. Please provide as much detail as possible.


If you have any questions or feedback please do not hesitate to contact us using the form below. We will respond as soon as possible.