GPCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 214 3228

OKCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 217 1386

GP/OKCID security report – July 2021

In July, there was an 18% decrease in reported crime in our areas. There was also a decrease in the need for responses to public safety and security incidents such as drinking in public, illegal car guards and public nuisance. Both of these decreases can be linked to increased police presence in the Green Point, De Waterkant and Oranje-Kloof areas, as we’ve increased the number of foot patrollers in crime hotspots.

In addition, our patrollers carried out 8 proactive actions, such as guarding unlocked cars or properties, moved 4 suspicious individuals or vehicles out of our areas, and attended to 5 medical emergencies.

A highlight for our GPCID patrollers was assisting with the delivery of a healthy baby boy. When a pregnant woman went into labour at St Andrew’s Square, our patrollers jumped into action to comfort her and helped to deliver the baby before paramedics arrived on the scene. A special shout out goes out to GPCID employees, Nolwazi Ngxongo and Jodie Hendricks, who played a big role in the baby’s birth. Well done to all involved!

Last month, our team took 30 actions that contributed to the upliftment of our areas, such as fixing potholes, line painting, clearing litter, and repairing damage to infrastructure and water leaks.

There was also a slight decrease in traffic incidents, which we are pleased to see. We encourage the public to drive responsibly at all times and urge you to become acquainted with the Aarto Act.

As a reminder, the Aarto Act rollout has started but it will be introduced in four phases. The demerit system will only come fully into effect on 1 July 2022. Then once a driver collects more than 15 demerits, they will have their license suspended for up to 3 months. Three suspensions will result in your driver’s license being cancelled after which, your learner’s and driving tests will need to be retaken.

Our patrollers and vehicles are always in close proximity, and we urge the community to contact us for any form of help at any time of the day or night. Be sure to keep our 24/7 emergency contact details on you at all times.


082 214 3228


082 217 1386



If you have information about any suspicious behaviour or witness a crime please report it to us immediately. Please provide as much detail as possible.


If you have any questions or feedback please do not hesitate to contact us using the form below. We will respond as soon as possible.