GPCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 214 3228

OKCID 24/7 emergency number: 082 217 1386
Our public safety team identify the crime generators – based on all available crime statistics – together with SAPS, local authorities and existing security service providers. These are analysed to determine a strategy for an integrated, pro-active approach to reducing crime. Through an ‘eyes and ears’ approach, our team along with all security and cleansing staff, circulate information to identify any breaches in security, with 24/7 safety and security patrols policing the areas. This information collected by the security and safety initiatives of the GP/OKCID is fed back to local SAPS, Community Policing Forum, Neighbourhood Watches, and the Civic Association.
A manager from our appointed service provider guides the cleansing team, who co-ordinate the provision of additional litter bins and empty the current bins, along with cleansing each street within the GP/OKCID boundary at least once every week. Furthermore, our team and relevant partners identify and report Health and Safety issues within the area, monitor and combat illegal dumping, identify environmental design contributing to grime factors, promote waste minimisation through education awareness on waste and water pollution, and encourage property owners to act responsibly about waste management and recycling.
Our Urban Management team works in conjunction with local social welfare and job creation organisations to deliver supplementary services to improve our urban environment. Together, they identify and fix problems relating to street lighting, drains, road surfaces, sidewalks, grass and weeds, road markings and traffic signs, dumping, refuse removal, waterworks, sewerage, and pedestrian safety.
Chief Executive: Marc Truss
082 560 0684
GP/OKCID Manager: Marius Swanepoel
064 889 3344
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If you have information about any suspicious behaviour or witness a crime please report it to us immediately. Please provide as much detail as possible.
If you have any questions or feedback please do not hesitate to contact us using the form below. We will respond as soon as possible.
Our social team and relevant partners determine strategies to address homelessness and the current and future relief measures available to combat this. Working in conjunction with local social welfare and job creation organisations, we coordinate social development programs and provide supplementary services to improve our urban environment.